Monday, March 21, 2011

Star Saga

Interesting story. When I was little my brothers and I would play various computer games on an Apple IIe that we got from our aunt. These were games like Karateka or Moebius: The Orb of Celestial Harmony. One of these glorious game gems was Star Saga: One - Beyond the Boundary. The GIFs above are the maps that went along with this game. My brothers and I selected characters and started to explore this wondrous universe. Unfortunately we didn't get very far before our mother decided we were playing too many computer games and purged a lot of our after-school fun from our house. Years later I decided to search for this beautiful treasure and came across this. So I called up my brothers and revealed to them my find. Since none of us lived close to each other (we're all several states away) they gave their blessing for me to try it alone to find if it was as delightful as it was when we were young. Spoiler alert.... It's pretty close. What I would love to see is a program written that integrates all the parts of this game (the program in the link has you skipping from map to program to text) into one. Just sayin'. And, wow, I never blog.